Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Decisions of the Union and Community Summer School
December 11, 2010

1. On decision-making process

Moved and seconded: Organising Committee
That we seek to make the decisions of the Union and Community Summer School 2010 by consensus. In case of any dissent, 80% support of those present will be required for their adoption.

2. The role of social/ cooperative production
Moved: Dave Kerin Seconded: Balrama Krishnan, Colin Long
a. That socialists, leftists and progressives networked across UCSS 2010 receive all information about Eureka’s Future and the parent organisation, Earthworker Social Enterprise Association
b. That those interested in replicating the process receive all assistance
c. That a working party be established arising out of UCSS 2010 made up of our socialist, left and progressive economists, linked to workers on the ground engaged in practical tasks, to initiate an Australian Institute for Economic Democracy. The purpose of AIED would be to investigate, and mobilise support for, a democratic sector or social sector of the Australian economy, as well as to highlight the inequality before the law which workers and their unions face.

3. Develop pool of activists available to become job delegates and union organisers
Moved: Susan Price Seconded: various
UCSS 2010 resolves:
a. To develop a pool of socialist/ left activists available to become active on the job.
b. To approach unions to develop communication networks to alert activists about union/ politically useful jobs that come up.

4. Building alliances with other movements
Moved: Ian Bray Seconded: Tim Gooden
UCSS 2010 recommends:
a. That unions and peak councils need to commit resources to the development of cross-movement alliances on a long-term basis. In particular:
* Each state TLC and the ACTU need to reinvigorate or establish a broad civil society forum to share campaigns and information on an ongoing basis;
* Each TLC and the ACTU needs to have a dedicated position to coordinate civil society engagement and community unionism;
* Each national union should be committed to resource over-arching national campaigns (for example the ABCC, precarious employment, climate change), which can provide momentum and resources for a union voice and to build alliances with other movements.
b. Education as to the importance of union-community and union-other movement alliances is vital at every level of the union movement: member, delegate and official. So is mobilisation of our members, families and friends around key issues. This should be supported by the development of:
* Education modules around cross-movement issues (environment, trade liberalisation, taxation etc), new technologies should be developed for unions, regional TLCs, state TLCs and the ACTU
* Data-bases of members and supporters to campaign on-line to ensure we can educate and engage activists continually and use those contacts to the advantage of cross_movement alliances
c. That the CFMEU-ETU-MUA initiated Compact with Indigenous communities, developed for use in the resources sector, be assessed by a broad working group from this conference as to its potential application to other industries.

5. Organising among non-organised workers
Moved: Liz Turner Seconded: Emma Kerin
a. That UCSS 2010 supports UNITE’s Brunswick Street campaign
b. That UCSS 2010 supports Workers Solidarity Network

6. Organising among non-unionised workers
Moved: Debbie Brennan Seconded: Chris Johnston
a. That UCSS 2010 supports the campaign to stop Melbourne City Council’s harassment of abortion clinic defenders
b. We call on Melbourne City Council to adhere to its obligations to uphold the rights to free speech and protest under Victoria’s Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities, to withdraw the compliance notice against the clinic banner and to cease its punitive actions.
c. As left unionists, we pledge to take this campaign into our unions.

7. Fighting anti-union laws
Moved: Darryl Broke Seconded: Wayne Campbell
Anti-union laws and restrictions on the right to strike are an obstacle to rebuilding the union movement. UCSS 2010 encourages unions and union activists to campaign against those laws and be prepared to break them where possible.

8. Fighting anti-union laws
Moved: Helen Gollan Seconded: Joe Montero
That in all forms of our movement we assist in the growth of community-based agencies set up to defend and extend workers’ rights on the job.

9. Fighting anti-union laws
Moved: Rebel Hanlon Seconded: Dave Kerin
That a national workers and community rights council be established to educate and mobilise public opinion, and to fight for the democratic rights of the working people, including the right to strike, organise and assemble.

10. Strengthening unions
Moved: Alison Thorne Seconded: Peter Murray
That unions encourage and facilitate rank-and-file participation in union decision-making

11. Strengthening unions
Moved: Rebel Hanlon Seconded: Wendy Bainger
That unions introduce educational programs and politicise their membership to get active around all issues that affect workers.

12. Strengthening unions

Moved: Humphrey McQueen Seconded: Virginia Mansell-Haynes
That UCSS 2010 resolves to establish a committee to:
a. Arrange for nationwide working-class self-education by building from job activists;
b. To assess further stages of the development of the self-education group at the next UCSS CARRIED

13. Winning left leadership

Moved: Craig Johnston Seconded: Chris Cain, Joan Doyle
That the participants in UCSS 2010 try to establish a regular militant/progressive union forum in their state/city to create a space for militant/ progressive trade union rank and file members, delegates and officials to exchange experiences and try and develop common projects and over time build greater unity and independence in the labour movement.

14. Winning left leadership
Moved: Terry Costello Seconded: Virginia Mansell-Haynes
That a progressive unionist network be established. Its objectives shall include:
a. Providing advice and support to progressive rank-and-file groups;
b. Discussion of ideas and development of policies that advance the position and stature of the working class as a whole;
c. Defending unions and unionists that are under attack.
The organisation of the progressive unionists’ network shall be along the lines of the Defend the Unions Committees, which were set up in the 1980s to defend the BLF.
LOST (failed to achieve 80% support)

15. Unions and the climate emergency
Moved: Judy McVey Seconded: various
a. That UCSS 2010 endorse the Beyond Zero Emissions plan, which is supported by Melbourne University’s Energy Research Centre
b. It outlines a technically feasible and economically viable way for Australia to transition to 100% renewable energy with 10 years.
c. It requires 155,000 new green jobs.
d. We also encourage unionists to use the plan in their unions and workplaces to campaign for a jobs-rich just transition to a renewable energy-based society

16. Tackling the union link with the ALP
Moved: Peter Curtis Seconded: Joan Doyle
UCSS 2010 resolves:
a. That unions need to step up and take a leadership role in building an extra-parliamentary movement.
b. As was the example of the Your Rights at Work campaign and Union Solidarity’s activities under Work Choices – this movement excited all our imaginations.
c. There is not a union issue that is not a family and community issue. What happens in our workplace affects our private and community life.
d. An extra-parliamentary movement is best placed to set the political agenda rather than dance to the tunes of the parliamentary parties.

17. Next Union and Community Summer School
Moved: Heath Cunningham Seconded: Rich Cherry
That Kenneth Davidson (editor of Dissent magazine, left-wing/progressive economist and Age contributing columnist) be invited to address next year’s Summer School.
As a strident critic of the Victorian desalination plant and a consistent commentator on such issues as the Gillard government’s plan to implement neo-liberal/market principles within the education and public health sectors, he would provide a very valuable behind-the scenes analysis of State and federal political machinations from a high-profile journalist’s perspective.

18. Solidarity motion – Visy workers
Moved: Jody Betzien Seconded: various
Those attending the opening forum of the Union and Community Summer School 2010 express our solidarity with the workers currently engaged in industrial action at Visy operations in Smithfield (NSW), Dandenong (Victoria), Carole Park (Queensland) and O’Connor (Western Australia).
We express our support for the Visy workers in their fight to defend job security, ensure decent wages and for union delegates’ rights on the job.
CARRIED NOTE: This motion was adopted at the opening public meeting of the Union and Community Summer School 2010, on the evening of December 10.

19. Solidarity motion – ASU equal pay campaign
Moved: Cecila Judge Seconded: Liz Ross
That this conference endorse the equal pay case and the National Day of Action on December 15. We acknowledge that equal pay must be won, not given, and we support the ASU in this fight.

20. Solidarity motion – NTEU members at the University of New South Wales and Macquairie University
Moved: Helen Gollan Seconded: Alex McAuley
This Union and Community Summer School:
a. Expresses its solidarity with members of the National Tertiary Education Union who have been struggling for job security, decent pay and conditions;
b. Condemns the actions of management at the University of New South Wales and Macquarie University, who have stood down these members for up to three weeks.
c. Pledges to move motions of support in our own unions and workplaces as well as support for the fighting fund set up for financial support of these unionists, who have been without pay in the lead-up to the holiday period.

21. Solidarity motion – Ballerrt Mooroop College
Moved: Mary Merkenich Seconded: Sue Bolton
That UCSS 2010 expresses its support for the Ballert Mooroop College (BMC) and opposes the planned demolition fo the school gym facilities, schedules for Dec. 17.
We call on the state government and department of education to properly fund and support both the BMC and Glenroy Special School
We urge all union branches to pass similar resolutions and to urge their members join the picket line at the school and support the rally on December 17.

22. Solidarity motion – arrest of Sulthoni, secretary of KASBI Indonesia, Jakarta Region
Moved: Manrico Moro Seconded: various
That UCSS 2010 carry out a mass texting to protest the arrest of Sulthoni, following indications of Australia-Asia Worker Links Urgent Action Alert on this issue.