The union movement faces greater challenges than ever …
It must fight increasingly mobile and powerful corporations while shackled by anti-union laws, tackle the enormous challenge of global warming, and confront governments determined to reduce it to irrelevance.
Winning Our Rights, the 2010 Union and Community Summer School, is a public forum for those on the left and progressive wing of the labour movement who want to help it meet those challenges. It aspires to help establish a new direction for Australia: one where economy and environment are included when the will of the people is being
The forum brings together experienced and respected labour movement activists from all generations and traditions - from Jack Mundey to Dean Mighell, from Joan Coxsedge to Joan Doyle (see the initial list of participants here).
The forum will host the discussion that everyone is asking for – how does the left and progressive wing of the labour movement create unity across our divides and different traditions? How do we build towards forms of collaboration that can:
- Help fight and win specific industrial disputes?
- Strengthen active unionists wherever they work?
- Support progressive delegates and organisers whatever their union?
- Build a network of workers and unionists, financially independent of existing unions, which can carry on the struggle against the employers for as long as the unions remain constrained by anti-union laws?
- Strengthen the struggles for economic democracy, environmental sustainability and people’s rights as the global economic, ecological and social crises hit Australia?
Winning Our Rights is for active unionists and workers concerned with these vital issues. It is a precious chance to learn from past struggles and develop practical proposals to strengthen left and progressive collaboration.
Register now!