Melbourne Trades Hall
A public forum to build practical unity within the labour movement, for workers’ rights, social justice, economic democracy and environmental sustainability.
The forum brings together experienced and respected labour movement activists from all generations and traditions - from Jack Mundey to Dean Mighell, from Joan Coxsedge to Joan Doyle (see the initial list of participants here).
The forum will host the discussion that everyone is asking for – how does the left and progressive wing of the labour movement create unity across our divides and different traditions?
For more information about Winning Our Rights, go here.
How the Union and Community School will work
The key topics for discussion in each plenary session have been outlined (see the Draft Agenda).
Small groups drawn from the broad range of labour movement activists attending the school are to be asked to identify the main issues covered by each topic. One speaker from each group will summarise their ideas for the plenary. General discussion will follow.
Suggestions for action will be noted during both plenary and workshop sessions, then discussed and adopted in the final plenary.